The weekend of April 27-28, the Hawk, Blue Phoenix, and Owl patrol visited the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher. During their visit they learned about habits and habitats of reptiles and amphibians of the Cape Fear Region, how to identify venomous and poisonous animals, and collected and identified marsh Flora and Fauna. After […]
Webelos Cross to BSA Troops
Hawk Patrol soars to Durham Boy Scout Troops on a peaceful Thursday evening at the Duke Gardens. Check out the fun photo-gallery
Space the final frontier
Pack 486 celebrated it’s 22nd annual Cake Auction last night at Christ Victor Lutheran Church. The theme was Space. Cake making experts offered many creative interpretations. About 25 cakes were bid on including a first ever Blue and Gold cake with proceeds aiding young cubs financial needs. Check out the fun in […]
BY GRANT LEONARD It was a fabulous night. The Gym was busy with Boy Scouts selling food, and cub scouts lined up to race cars. This event was the 2013 pinewood derby. There was a car that was a tank, and there was one that was a marble maze. The […]
THURSDAY, 17 2013 DPS evening events and FRIDAY, January 18, Schools are closed
Because of the inclement weather, please check your email or den leaders before heading out to meetings.