Greeting members of Pack 486. Thanks for coming out for a successful family camping week at Jordan Lake Vista Point Campground. The cubs enjoyed themselves very much and old and new Pack families got a chance to get to acquainted. Looking forward to the next Pack activity. -medium wp-image-2129″ />
Spring 2015 Family Camping and Awards Ceremony at Umstead State Park
The event that all cubs and their families look forward to at the end of the cub year, family camping. This year we camped in the cabins at Umstead State Park!
Into the woods with the Webelos
How do can you recognize a Dogwood tree? Ask a Webelos of course… They can identify it by it’s bark. Pack 486 Webelos braved the chilly temperatures to spend the day outdoors learning how to identify trees and plants in Umstead Park. Scouts hiked in order to get a good […]
Where were the Webelos?
Camping again of course! Webelos braved the winds (and some rain) and large wood spiders at Camp Campbell this weekend. The scouts met up with challenges of navigating a grueling map & compass course, fire building, cooking for everyone, and burning dessert. The scouts were quick to spot the bear […]
Webelos camped Falls Lake
This past weekend Pack 486 Webelos camped Falls Lake learning about nature and how to be outdoorsman. It was a beautiful weekend.