Pack 486 cub scouts and their families enjoyed wonderful weather under the pines at Woodcroft Pool and Swim Club. A traditional Summertime activity, the Bear dens started the morning learning about bicycle maintenance, safety, and the rules of the road. John Ireland led a Pack bike ride on Roxboro Road via the […]
Webelos Cross to BSA Troops
Hawk Patrol soars to Durham Boy Scout Troops on a peaceful Thursday evening at the Duke Gardens. Check out the fun photo-gallery
Webelos camp at Kerr Lake, North Carolina
Pack 486, Webelos spent Saturday, March 9 and Sunday March 10, at the Occoneechee Council primitive camp on Kerr Lake just North of Henderson, North Carolina. Troop 486 Boy Scouts spent the day working with the cub scouts on survival techniques, rope tying, fire building, and plain o’ FUN! The weekend […]
[imagebrowser id=8] Pack 486 Cub Scouts Wheels and Keels On Saturday morning, July 28, Pack 486, cub scouts and siblings, learned basic bicycle maintenance. Proper tire inflation, tire repair, and chain lubrication were among the many topics discussed. Following a bike ride, scouts and siblings created small-scale boats to sail […]
Summertime ahead!
Bear Den 3 wraps up with their last den meeting for the year. We awarded the Bear badge to the boys who could attend the Awards Banquet at Kerr Lake, played some Ultimate, and celebrated with fuzzy punch. The Bear Scouts, now Webelos, worked really hard over the past year […]