Pack 486 on the Jamboree Event in West Virginia

Hello Everybody,

As we gear up for another year with Pack 486 we want to reaffirm our commitment to Scout values of being trustworthy, honest, faithful, and being kind to everybody. You may have heard about President Trump’s speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree and the controversy it has caused. We wish to share the statement by the Boy Scouts of America reaffirming Scout values, and we want each of you to know that we as Pack 486 also reaffirm these values. As leaders and parents we must model the behavior that we want our Scouts to follow, and we strive every day to live by the Scout Law. Welcome back everyone.

From the Chief: Our Perspective on the Presidential Visit

Scott Hankins
Pack 486 Committee Chair

Lance Odvody
Pack 486 Cubmaster


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