SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, Pack 486 Blue and Gold Banquet

Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, February 16, 2013 and will be held at Hope Valley Baptist Church located at 6900 Garrett Road, Durham, NC 27707. The festivities will begin at 5:00 pm. This is a Class A uniform event, so full uniform please. We have a great program lined up and it is sure to be an entertaining evening. We are planning to eat at 6:00pm. Our menu will consist of chicken, you may choose between fried or baked, corn on the cob, green beans, mac and cheese, and a green salad.

We will continue with our annual tradition of a potluck desert. Each family will be responsible for bringing a dessert to share. Please remember we have multiple peanut allergies so please clearly label your dessert with a name and ingredients list.

As is traditional we would like the boys to come and help set up the room the afternoon before. We will be gathering at 2:00 pm and are usually done within the space of an hour.

Cost this year is: $12.00 for those over 12 and $10.00 for 12 and under. There are multiple ways to pay: You can hand your payment to your Den Leader, Use our Pay Pal service  (pay to: or mail a check  (make checks payable to Pack 486) to our treasurer, Scott Rose at 222 Wenonah Way Durham, NC 27713. Either way, please try to get the payment in by Wednesday February 13, 2013.

We do need an initial head count, so if you are intending to attend please let me know ASAP by email so that we can order enough food. You may reach me at

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions (, we look forward to seeing you at Blue and Gold.



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